Thursday, February 25, 2010

You don't know how to live. You live.

When I lose something I was afraid to lose I find I don't miss it.

Cast yourself upon the waters. Trust in your ability to swim.

You have to let the balloon go if you want to see it fly.

Solutions often mask the fact that there is no problem.

What is is plenty, but more is never enough.

There's one fast rule concerning death: save it for the end.

God had no purpose in creating the world. He was just having fun.

Everybody calls me "Marty." I never know what to call myself.

If you're in a hurry, don't go.

Everything real casts a shadow and the shadow is real.

I envy the one simply walking down the road.


  1. Yay!!! A fresh batch of aphorisms!!

    This time, I love them all. Usually there are one or two sticking out, but this time I can relate to all of them. I really admire you NP! Thanks for letting me stalk you ^_^!!

  2. This is great work. The notion of death and saving it to the end is so profound. Letting the balloon go to see it fly is just wonderful. We all need to let our burdens go so that we may fly as well. Some call you Marty, I call you a great and wonderful friend. Thank you for being you. You are inspiration for a hard cold world.

  3. "You have to let the balloon go if you want to see it fly."

    I like that :-)

  4. Excellent. I especially like the one "you don't know HOW to live, you live." I need to constantly tell myself that from now on so I am not so depressed about the state of my life. It is what it is.

  5. "I envy the one simply walking down the road." Great!

  6. "Solutions often mask the fact that there is no problem."
    at the moment this is my favorite.

  7. Hmm, the tone of these seem different to your previous ones. But that could just be my state of mind. Inspiring aphorisms as always.

  8. Hi Marty ~ I guess my favourite this time is

    "You have to let the balloon go if you want to see it fly."

    Your "Solution" on is the method of most politicians.

    "If your in a hurry..." is so true...and safer

    and (I've changed my mind)

    "What is is plenty, but more is never enough." is a pearl.

    Thanks for the visit to stillPoint


  9. I'll soon start quoting you on my blog Diários de Filosofia (Philosophy Diaries) because you're my favorite thinker. =) I love coming here and reading you. I'll quote you on a blog post this weekend with the last of the aphorisms on your list today: "I envy the one simply walking down the road., do you mind? Please let me know.

    Thanks for sharing, everything.

    Much love from Brazil. Kiss your cheeks. =*

  10. “If you're in a hurry, don't go”..... True

    Awesome NP and now I have to..let the balloon go to see it fly

    Love them all :)

  11. Marty - if I may still call you that - I so look forward to your postings. When it gets close to the end of the month, I find myself holding my breath, waiting. There's a foot of snow outside tonight - it was a perfect day for aphorisms. Thanks so much.

  12. A treat as always. I'll take seconds please. Some may call you "Marty" but I call you Brilliant.

  13. I love these especially

    Cast yourself upon the waters. Trust in your ability to swim.

    It really resonates with me, thank you so much for sharing.

  14. With your permission Marty I will print this one "Solutions often mask the fact that there is no problem" and post it on my cubicle ;-)

  15. Some call you "Marty"... I call you my dear friend.

    If you are in a hurry, don't go... That is exactly my motto:) I always say too, "when in doubt, leave it out.

    Great work once again. Just love it!!!

    Ps thank you so much for that wonderful comment. You are too kind.

    I am blessed to have made such a great friend.

    Rev Deb

  16. Very profound aphorisms per usual...i especially like this one~You have to let the balloon go if you want to see it fly....... :)

  17. Brother Rubin,

    Thanks for these! I wish I had read them before struggling down 8th Avenue in the driving snow and wind tonight. I would have slowed down and enjoyed the walk, I think.

  18. "God had no purpose in creating the world. He was just having fun." Hmmm... then I must be "made in His Image" - Life should be fun!

    Always look forward to your latest batch of mind thoughts!

  19. Been long since you posted.

    Hope you are well and joyous.

    I enjoyed everything but will I do it?

    Joy and peace,

  20. Dear Brother,
    I'm glad to finally see new aphorisms, I was really waiting since you published the last ones.

    So here are my favorites:
    1.You have to let the balloon go if you want to see it fly. (It teaches me that I should stop planning for long, yes, I need actions to see results. )
    2.What is is plenty, but more is never enough. (It tells me that: If you have contentment you are rich otherwise you are always poor.)
    3.There's one fast rule concerning death: save it for the end. (I think I read at Melinda's blog that There is hope as long as there is life.)

    I loved them all except this one :
    God had no purpose in creating the world. He was just having fun. (I disagree, my friend. yes because I believe that life is a test and it has purpose.)

    Dear brother or Dear Friend I never know what to call yourself.

    Best Wishes!


  21. Every line is a gem of wisdom:
    .'You don't know how to live. You live...
    You have to let the balloon go if you want to see it fly....
    What is is plenty, but more is never enough.....
    Everything real casts a shadow and the shadow is real.....
    Really I admire your insights.
    Thanks for sharing.
    God bless.

  22. "Solutions often mask the fact that there is no problem."

    This is me with my damn TO DO LISTS, trying to get things done, fix things and basically be productive, when what I really need to do is let things go more. My TO DO LISTS would probably just take care of themselves.

    "What is is plenty, but more is never enough."

    This is how addictions get started. Wanting more and more. All of sudden it takes a lot more to quench the thirst.

  23. I don’t know, NP—the fact that these are a rare occurrence makes them even more precious, in my opinion. I am always delighted to get a note or a shout from you saying that you had come up with some new ones. As usual, I have my favorites.

    “Cast yourself upon the waters. Trust in your ability to swim.”

    “Solutions often mask the fact that there is no problem.”

    “Everything real casts a shadow and the shadow is real.”

    I love them all but the ones above are my absolute faves!


  24. Lovely to have your insightful thoughts on this snowbound day. (Actually I love blizzards and can't wait to see how much more snow falls between now and tomorrow).

    Resonating strongest with me (and with others too, it seems) is: "Solutions often mask the fact that there is no problem". Wish I had that one to spring on some past, endless business meetings I had the misfortune to attend.

  25. This is ALL amazing. you're so talented.
    my favorite= "Solutions often mask the fact that there is no problem."
    so true, i can really relate.

  26. Some people, like you, are very gifted with words. How long does it take you to come up with each list you post?

  27. You don't know how to live. You live.
    - Kids don't beat themselves up, when they make mistakes, they do it again and again. As adults, we tend to over analyze every single thing that makes it hard for us to just simply live.

    When I lose something I was afraid to lose I find I don't miss it. - Something in me, stays strong for me, and move on. Easy as that.

    Cast yourself upon the waters. Trust in your ability to swim. - We never know what we truly are capable of, until we place ourselves in that situation and let faith in our ability guide us.

    You have to let the balloon go if you want to see it fly. - We shine when we let go of the chains that bind us.

    Solutions often mask the fact that there is no problem. - True to the innermost core. What we pay too much attention to, becomes bigger problems.

    What is is plenty, but more is never enough. - The minute, I want more and more, it always seems to be NEVER enough.

    There's one fast rule concerning death: save it for the end.
    - It takes years, to realize this for someone who has once danced with Mr.Death and kept him as her bestfriend. :)

    God had no purpose in creating the world. He was just having fun. - This is something that I have in my mind like all the time. Haha :)

    Everybody calls me "Marty." I never know what to call myself. -What about Smarty? =P

    If you're in a hurry, don't go. - Something I always kept in the back of my head, but not when I'm served with delicious food. I just lose all sense of un-urgency.

    Everything real casts a shadow and the shadow is real. Shadows are give-aways when people are trying to give you a surprise, but you catch them by their shadows. Ha Ha.

    I envy the one simply walking down the road. - Me too. It's the idea of simplicity that we have of the walking stranger who's just out taking a stroll. Let's take a walk, Marty? =)

    Thank you for sharing these wisdom nuggets. Me likey!

  28. Hi Marti!!! as simple as profound,I reaaly enjoyed your post.about this part:God had no purpose in creating the world. "He was just having fun".....I truly think we are here in our personal journey of learn how to be happy.thanks x sharing your wisdom.I invite you (if you have a little time to see my last autum design:"My Blue Obsession,you can click bellow,in"Complete Design" to see all the images.take care.we´ll keep in touch

  29. "Solutions often mask the fact that there is no problem." This is my favorite, but I enjoyed them all! It's always a pleasure Marty!

  30. You should write a little aphorisms book. I bet it would get published. You can thank me for the idea by giving me a "Dedicated to Kaja from Blog Catalog" page.

  31. Beautiful - Solutions often mask the fact that there is no problem... What is life without problems?

    Cast yourself upon the waters. Trust in your ability to swim. ... Love it!

  32. "I envy the one simply walking down the road" says it all.

  33. I love when you post new aphorisms! My two personal favourites from this round has to be:

    "Everything real casts a shadow and the shadow is real."


    "You have to let the balloon go if you want to see it fly."

    As usualy, they are all thought provoking. Thanks for making a new batch for us to read!

  34. Iove the thought God was just having fun when he created us! I truly agree with that. And he made us all creative, to carry on the fun and shine his light around more.

    Awesome!! And great to meet you!!

  35. "If you're in a hurry, don't go."

    i like that, i like this.

  36. Hi Marty, Thanks for the quiet space, I can use it. I have been away from my blog since the first of February because my wife had to have cancer surgery. She is back at home now, doing well and, hopefully, will not have to have chemotherapy. We will find out next week for sure. I really like your new work. Seems to have a sharper edge. Oh, there is one thing that is real that doesn't cast a shadow...wind! I envy the one walking down the road. Yes! Why do we always have to have a destination or a purpose in life? You know the old standard, "Call me...(this or that...) just call me! Call yourself inspired. My best.

  37. What becomes really interesting is how the tenor of the aphorisms changes from one set to another - to become an insight into you. This last set is very moving.


  38. Another outstanding group! My favorites this time - "When I lose something I was afraid to lose I find I don't miss it." - All of us place too much importance on things that we don't realize aren't all that important until it's gone.

    "You have to let the balloon go if you want to see it fly" so true in that nothing can really grow unless allowed to fly free on it's own

  39. "If you're in a hurry, don't go." - I like this one since im so familiar with this decision making for myself.
    Also, I call you "Marty" because everyone has a that is deep.

  40. Still following your wonderful blog. Lots of fuel for thought.

  41. Dear Profound,

    Thoughts Wrapped With Realities....I liked it.....Cheerzzz.... :-)

    Thoughtful Delights :-)

  42. I love this : "You don't know how to live. You live..." Profound you made my day. Thanks

  43. .

    i walk
    i swim
    i fly
    i live
    hand in hand with my shadow
    i'm not in a hurry
    and not loaded with many problems
    i have everything
    except death
    that i saved for the end
    i have fun creating new worlds

    missing what i lost:
    something i was never afraid to lose...


  44. "Trust in your ability to swim."

    I was full of anxiety when i first made my blog.But I wanted a place where I can share my thoughts.

    Your words brought wisdom and comfort.Truly beautiful compilation of words.

  45. Dear Profound, These are STUPENDOUS!!!!!! I started out thinking, "Oh THIS is my favorite!!" and then kept right on thinking that with each one I read!!! LOL!! :) :)

    Dang, you are soooooooooooooooooooo talented. I just cannot get over it. Every time I read these I see a whole series of books filled with these highly unique and never before read quotes.

    I guess if I picked one out of all these that really resonates with me (which is hard because they all do), but it would be....(can you guess?) LOL!!!

    "You don't know how to live. You live."

    WHOA!!! That is PROFOUND! I just LOVE that one. So beautiful and wise. I just really "get" that one. It moved me in a very deep way. Thank you SO much, Hugs, Robin

  46. Well, you've done it again. Yet another impressive batch of Aphorisms, Marty.
    I love stopping in and reading what you've cooked up, and have actually began to look forward to you letting me know that there's a new post available.
    I'm going to ponder this one for a while...( Mind expanding stuff ; )
    "Solutions often mask the fact that there is no problem."


  47. Love the balloon one . I might use it with someone I know who simply canNOT let the balloon go. But, wants to reap its rewards. Thanks.

  48. If you're in a hurry, don't go - nothing profound

    I found it so much true in my life with this.
    A great words from a great mind. How lucky i am to be given a chance to get involve with a great talent.
    I made myself a coffee to enjoy the reading.
    Your words have a melancholic it!!
    Feel like wanna draw something about this new post..oohh :)
    Thank you my friend.

    I will tweet this again in twitter.

  49. Yes, NP it's always a wonderful day when we get a new batch of aphorisms. I saw it on my Google reader and ran as fast as I could like a little kid on Christmas morning :) LoL

    So hard to choose, but my favorite this time, "Cast yourself upon the waters. Trust in your ability to swim."

    Enjoyed them all

  50. I like them all, buddy! Now you can call yourself "Smarty" 'coz you are very smart!

  51. My my always make me stop and think! And that's a great thing! This was a wonderful short, sweet and amazingly to the point post.


  52. Hey Marty. Great set of quotes. On point as usual. The one that struck me was, "What is is plenty, but more is never enough." It seems like we are always searching for more when everything we need is right in front of us. Thanks for the reminder.



  53. This is a amazing. Each line is filled with truth and wisdom. Blessings to you my friend.

  54. Love the aphorisms!

    This time I have a clear favorite:

    "Everything real casts a shadow and the shadow is real."

    I'll chew that one over for a few days. Thanks!

  55. "When I lose something I was afraid to lose I find I don't miss it" is a very trick statment!!! Sometimes I agree, but sometimes I don't! But in my opinion, what is really behind it, what really matters is to believe that everything and everyone can pass, change, desappear and we have to be prepared and accept these facts.

  56. Just a quick note - I read your blog and enjoy your entries. Thank you.

  57. You know... I often envy the one simply walking down the road, too, Marty... :)

    I think I'll just call you "friend" from now on...since you're not sure of what Marty really really is... ;)

  58. Fine work Marty, you touch the nameless Tao [dao]with grace.

  59. Great post!!! You sure know how to choose well!!! Had fun reading everyone!!!

    Cheers, JJ

  60. 'You don't know how to live. You live'.
    this is the truth,keep up the good work

  61. Thanks once again, my dear friend :-)

    So refreshing to know that there are wise souls out there that share my way of thinking.

  62. Hi, Marty. When I read your wonderfully profound tidbits, I'm first happily amazed and then tickled pink, and that's because I imagine you going about your daily business only to have inspiration strike when you're least prepared to write it down. I can see you with your hands busy at a task and no pen and paper handy, so you repeat the insight like a mantra, over and over and over... And if that were me, I'd need to do it aloud, and then people would think me daft! :)

    Thanks so much for sharing these. Each time I look, a different one stands out with particular meaning, showing me where my attention is most needed.

  63. You're right (Well said too!) there is no guide book to living.

    Oh, and the shadow is real...but truly untouchable. ;-)

  64. Well said is right, if your in a hurry don't go, by golly that is so many of these are profound...and so pleasant to read.

    Dorothy from grammology

  65. Nice ones. :) Though you were pretty brave in putting up an anti-christian one where God did not have a purpose making the world. :) Good work though. I like people who put up brave statements with no backing evidence. But who can say you are wrong? No one.

  66. Ha!!! Here they are! I have been waiting for your new post!
    NP, I want a book of your aphorism :)!!!
    I love them all and these 2 particularly:

    "There's one fast rule concerning death: save it for the end."

    "God had no purpose in creating the world. He was just having fun"

  67. How about putting them all together in a book?
    I will definetely buy it!

  68. Nice article,
    Keep posting stuff like this i really like it.
    God Bless.

  69. I can relate to this, "When I lose something I was afraid to lose I find I don't miss it." Recently, when I need to clear off something, I will think about this, "If I throw this away, would I be needing it?" Then I just told myself, "I haven't been needing it for so many years already and most certainly I wouldn't need it. And the true is ... I didn't need it at all after I threw it.

  70. Love the "cast yourself upon the waters" one! May we all have the courage and confidence to dive on in!

  71. Nice article,
    Keep posting stuff like this i really like it.
    God Bless you.

  72. I reaf through the list, but the first one was my favorite. It's the epitomy of poetic.

  73. These are my faves:

    1. Cast yourself upon the waters. Trust in your ability to swim.

    2. You have to let the balloon go if you want to see it fly.

    3. Solutions often mask the fact that there is no problem.

  74. "You have to let the balloon go if you want to see it fly."

    ... I let the ballon go. But it came back. So, I blew up: not the ballon, but myself ...

    Thank you.

  75. "God had no purpose in creating the world. He was just having fun."

    ... God created the universe. Creature created the university ...

    ... God created the slave. The slave created the freedom ...

    Thank you.

  76. Hi Marty, Re: God had no purpose in creating the world. He was just having fun. I am reminded of Mark
    Twain's remark that, "God created man at the end of the week when He was tired!" Maybe the fun was gone by this time!

  77. It's me, Senior Debutante -You'll always be my friend NP and I'll never get tired following you not only for your aphorisms but because you make a contribution extraordinaire to humankind with your writing talent. Once again, my respectful salute to you!

  78. One must first embrace something in order to truly let it go.

  79. I envy one simply walking down the road too! Very much...

  80. Thank you for sharing,yes I do envy the one simply walking down the road.

  81. Hi, Marty, is it? Great tagline and I especially love this: "My politics is friendship, my philosophy is happiness". I would love to read more posts on your politics and philosophy.
    Thank you for visiting my blog. Take care.

  82. Huh, I see why you have so many comments.

    Simply beautiful words.

  83. wow great post and great advice. I tend to only read the blogs that I find interesting .
    Keep posting stuff like this i really like it.

  84. Wisdom is in every sentence and applicable in our daily lives. I find the 'balloon' sentence particularly meaningful. Love your work.

  85. There is no reason to read this this blog except that reason has no other blog.

    Lame, I know, but you have inspired me. I love YOUR little aphorisms. In handfuls of words, you plant in me thoughts that will literally be with me for the rest of my life. Thanks!

    (Aka: Suburban Guy)

  86. My favorite was "When I lose something I was afraid to lose I find I don't miss it.", I can really relate to that. I genuinely love your blog so ive bookmarked it :).

  87. Nothing Profound ... the only thing more profound than your words is your thoughtfulness ... thank you so much for visiting and commenting on Carol and Bob's post ...

  88. Yours is yet another blog I am so grateful for finding. Or was I found? I've often had similar thoughts though I never dared make them public. Perhaps I will now. Thank you/me for the presence.

  89. "God had no purpose in creating the world. He was just having fun."

    Marty, this made my day. Thank you! :)

  90. Your words fill my soul with things that my mind does not understand, somtimes.

    Each day One learns something new and I've learned from you.

    I thank you for expanding my knowledge, to know more than I don't.

    Can we be friends, friends from where you stand and friends where I wait?

  91. Carnivals and cotton candy
    Carousels and calliopes
    Fortune-tellers in glass cases
    We will always remember these
    Merry-go-rounds quickly turning
    Quickly turning for you and me
    And the whole world madly turning
    Turning, turning 'till you can't see
    We're on a carousel
    A crazy carousel
    And now we go around
    Again we go around
    And now we spin around
    We're high above the ground
    And down again around
    And up again around
    So high above the ground
    We feel we've got to yell
    We're on a carousel
    A crazy carousel
    We're on a ferris wheel
    A crazy ferris wheel
    A wheel within a wheel
    And suddenly we feel
    The stars begin to reel
    And down again around
    And up again around
    And up again around
    So high above the ground
    We feel we've got to yell
    We're on a carousel
    A crazy carousel
    Carnivals and cotton candy
    Carousels and calliopes
    Crazy clowns chasing brass rings
    Soda pop and rock-candy trees
    Merry-go-rounds quickly turning
    Quickly turning for you and me
    And the whole world madly turning
    Turning, turning 'till you can't see
    We're on a carousel
    A crazy carousel
    And now we go around
    Again we go around
    And now we spin around
    We're high above the ground
    And down again around
    And up again around
    So high above the ground
    We feel we've got to yell
    We're on a carousel
    A crazy carousel
    We're on a ferris wheel
    A crazy ferris wheel
    A wheel within a wheel
    And suddenly we feel
    The stars begin to reel
    And down again around
    And up again around
    And up again around
    So high above the ground
    We feel we've got to yell
    We're on a carousel
    A crazy carousel
    We're on a carousel
    A crazy carousel
    And now we go around
    Again we go around
    And now we spin around
    We're high above the ground
    And down again around
    And up again around
    So high above the ground
    We feel we've got to yell
    We're on a carousel
    A crazy carousel
    Carnivals and cotton candy
    Carousels and calliopes
    Kewpie-dolls with painted faces
    Tricky shell games and missing peas
    Merry-go-rounds quickly turning
    Quickly turning for you and me
    And the whole world madly turning
    Turning, turning 'till you can't see
    We're on a carousel
    A crazy carousel
    And now we go around
    Again we go around
    And now we spin around
    We're high above the ground
    And down again around
    And up again around
    So high above the ground
    We feel we've got to yell
    We're on a carousel
    A crazy carousel
    We're on a ferris wheel
    A crazy ferris wheel
    A wheel within a wheel
    And suddenly we feel
    The stars begin to reel
    And down again around
    And up again around
    And up again around
    So high above the ground
    We feel we've got to yell
    We're on a carousel
    A crazy carousel
    We're on a carousel
    A crazy carousel
    And now we go around
    Again we go around
    And now we spin around
    We're high above the ground
    And down again around
    And up again around
    So high above the ground
    We feel we've got to yell
    We're on a carousel
    A crazy carousel
    La, la, la, la - la, la, la, la
    La, la, la - la, la, la, la, la - la!

    -- Jacques Brel

  92. "You have to let the balloon go if you want to see it fly."

    Somehow I missed this the first time around. This resonates with me as a parent. Very tough to give up control and let your kids experience the ups and downs of life. But it's a must.

    Love this image!

  93. 'You have to let the balloon go if you want to see it fly.

    Solutions often mask the fact that there is no problem.'

    This is solid advice put into two lyrical lines. I'm currently going through a difficult time in my life and solutions have been masking my problems, and I'm only starting to learn to let the balloon fly. Thanks for this.

  94. Better late than never :) Marty, I fully agree with TJ, the whole bouquet is one splendid uniform display of poetic soul bearing. If I had to pick a favorite it would be: "Everything real casts a shadow and the shadow is real." even though, other than wind, as the Count has pointed out, I have never seen Substance cast a shadow, not have I seen Substance with my own eyes for that matter ;)

  95. "God had no purpose in creating the world. He was just having fun."

    So true. What other purpose can God have than just having fun. If God would have created this world to vent his frustration or to achieve something that he lacked in himself he would be no God.

    Nice post as always. Best wishes.

  96. As Usual, I Am First From The Last! Nevertheless...

    "One Fast Rule For Death, Save It For The End." Haha... One Hell Of A Line, Marty. TREMENDOUS!!!

  97. Wow, I will be thinking these over for quite awhile. Thanks a lot!

    No really, wonderful little tidbits, I enjoyed them all.
    "I envy the one simply walking down the road." It's so true, so peaceful. A great way to live a life!

  98. This should be called everything profound! :)

  99. You don't know how to live. You live.

    If only we could grasp this concept, we could just live, like we are supposed to instead of trying so hard. Love these...

  100. I smile, I laugh, I ponder, I'm amazed; at the end, I feel inspired by these refreshing aphorisms. You make my day. Thank you


  101. These are so good...flying and leaving death to the end...great words..hope all is well..

    We're having a problem with our comments I have to approve them out of spam..we'll fix it soon.

    Dorothy from grammology

  102. The line about never knowing what to call yourself; puts me in mind of something I read once. There are actually three different "you's". There is the "you" as you see yourself to be, the "you" that others see of you, and the "you" that you really are. Very rarely are these three perceptions the same "you"...

  103. "You don't know how to live. You live."

    This is still my favorite. It always makes me feel better, like life is life with no ifs or buts. Might as well forget trying to learn how to live and just *live*.

    I truly enjoy coming here and I needed this today. Your words are always inspiring. TY

  104. "When I lose something I was afraid to lose I find I don't miss it."

    You have no idea how much I can relate to this. Thanks for sharing!

  105. "When I lose something I was afraid to lose I find I don't miss it." ... excellent as usual!

  106. Have a safe and "Happy Easter" everybody ...

  107. More is never enough....

    A fact of life when it comes to money..

  108. I like the Zen in the statement, "I envy the one just walking down the road. Your readers' comments, and they seem to be legion, are almost as interesting as your aphorisms, although they would not exist without them.
    It is something of a cosmic billiard game is it not?
    My best

  109. 'I envy the one simply walking down the road. '

    too brilliant!!

  110. "Solutions often mask the fact that there is no problem." True.. Problems are often in our heads and nowhere else..

    "If you're in a hurry, don't go." I guess I'll never go then (I'm always in a hurry :D)

    "I envy the one simply walking down the road."
    I envy him too. That must be someone enjoying what his doing: walking down the road purposeless, just for the pleasure of doing it.

  111. Another brilliant collection -

    Cast your self onto the water... I love that one - facing your fears head on and just doing it, the only way to move forward in life, and who knows what unexpected possibilities it can lead to!

  112. Wow. Do I need to say more? :o)


  113. Your writing is simply brilliant! Great stuff!

  114. Love the "cast yourself upon the waters" one! May we all have the courage and confidence to dive on in!

  115. all of them are pieces of diamond.


  116. You call you a great and wonderful friend,thank you for being you.

  117. There is more to read here than aphorisms, but, perhaps, you haven't the time to do it?
