Friday, July 30, 2010

If you think happiness is a rare bird you won't see much of it.

Art is a picture of the spirit.

What would beauty be if the whole world were blind?

Between greatness and cheesecake I'll take cheesecake.

When you look into things you see things that aren't there.

We no longer know what we feel when we can say what we feel.

Suppose Hercules had thought about his labors first. Fortunately, for him, he just went out and did them.

My kind of faith likes mountains just where they are.

Be a wanderer and a stranger to yourself.

I'd rather lose with love than win without it.

The fenced-in dog barks at the one running free.

I used to see the flaw in every diamond. Now stones astound me with their perfection.


  1. Beautiful!!! Especially the last one about the stones and diamond. Love it!

  2. That's wonderful NP. You are a wonder and your mind admirable. How you see beauty in it's full simplicity makes me smile. :)

  3. Very profound Marty I loved the "Between greatness and cheesecake I'll take cheesecake." one absolutely loved it.

  4. Great post. I love cheesecake. Art is generally from the soul. There were some great painters that closed there eyes to see their work. Great work. Thank you so much....

  5. "We no longer know what we feel when we can say what we feel", maybe because for us, feelings in general are difficult to define with words, except for you, of course!

  6. I feel especially romantic lately so this set of aphorisms really touched me Martin. I shared your blog with my FB friends ;-)

  7. "Art is a picture of the spirit."

    At first I thought "crap, all I can draw are stick figures!" Then I realized there are many forms of art.

    Thanks again for the beautiful sayings.

  8. Great inspirations hidden in your wonderful post specially:
    ..'My kind of faith likes mountains just where they are.
    Be a wanderer and a stranger to yourself.
    I'd rather lose with love than win without it...'
    Thanks Marty for sharing.
    God bless.

  9. I found the one about the mountains so funny, because I identify myself with that and there can't be a better way to express that sort of faith :)

    Beautiful post, Marty!

  10. We are all dogs
    chewing on our bones
    pawing at the fence gate
    looking for the escape
    tethered to our currency.

    A great set of thoughtfulness.

  11. This one "If you think happiness is a rare bird you won't see much of it." - I think it could be one of the response of that thread about loniless, too, right? :)

    I love all of them...are like a portable wisdom. When I need a good answer, I know where I must go to find the right one.
    Thanks, NP for sharing with us!

    All the best in your life!- smiles

    Dy, xo

  12. I have connected with two thirds of this batch :) I think my fav is "Art is a picture of the spirit."

  13. Hi NP as usual your words have given me thought.

  14. Always the best from your collection, Mart. I really liked them. They hit the spot here, like gentle truths, your wisdom is liberating.

    I especially loved this one: Be a wanderer and a stranger to yourself.

    We live our lives thinking we know all there is to know about ourselves. We think we know who we are, but your aphorism here tells it like it is. It's good to know thyself, but it's also wonderful, if you can leave some space for free creation that comes randomly from the part of your self, you never knew exist.

    Bless you my friend. Peace :)

  15. NP, you always give us so much to think about in cerebral ways. Thank you for being such a gem.

  16. Beautiful and thoughtful as always... thanks for sharing!

    I especially like:
    "What would beauty be if the whole world were blind?"

    "I used to see the flaw in every diamond. Now stones astound me with their perfection."

    and, of course, the writer's paradox, "We no longer know what we feel when we can say what we feel."

    Looking forward to seeing more of your aphorisms...

  17. "Between greatness and cheesecake I'll take cheesecake."

    sometimes, greatness is such a lonely place. I will also take the cheesecake.

  18. I always felt that there is such a thing as too much faith, especially if one is moving mountains with it, which in my mind seems rather destructive and counterproductive! ; )

    Another great set of aphorisms, Marty.
    All the best to you.

  19. i love them! here are my favorites:

    When you look into things you see things that aren't there.

    We no longer know what we feel when we can say what we feel.

    I'd rather lose with love than win without it.

    I used to see the flaw in every diamond. Now stones astound me with their perfection.

  20. It is such a treat to wait for your little jewels of wisdom to come. I always look forward to them.

    They all speak a truth to me. I don't know how you do it. Just beautiful.

    I loved "Art is a picture of the spirit."

  21. "If you think happiness is a rare bird you won't see much of it."
    "The fenced-in dog barks at the one running free."

    These made my day NP! You are fantastic in composing all of these and thank you for sharing this to us! :D

  22. You had me at the first one.... :)

    These were great to read, I always enjoy your thoughts so much. I resonate strongly with so many of them. From the fenced-in dog to the mountains and faith - just wonderful!

  23. The 4th one's not just a nice axiom, it's my mission statement. ;)

  24. Beautiful. I especially love 'We no longer know what we feel when we can say what we feel.' and Cheesecake and last diamond one. Great. There are not enough words in any language and dictionary which can express our feelings. For many years i have been developing different technics to communicate without words. Expressing in silence

  25. Between greatness and cheesecake I'll take cheesecake - Marty

    I believe those who choose cheescake between greatness is a true artist. To taste and get the best of it require a skill and wisdom.
    As i see, ART is a cheescake too. D

  26. every time I visit your blog I read exactly the thing I needed to read. Thanks for sharing your stuff with us.

  27. Thank you

    Be a wanderer and a stranger to yourself.

  28. I'm in, if I can say cheese danish instead of cheesecake. I don't like to think I have a "problem" with cheese danish, but I don't think you're supposed to think about cheese danish as often as I do!

  29. Happiness and the rare bird is so life, great thoughts all so true...

    Dorothy from grammology

  30. I'd choose cheesecake too !!!

    thans for commenting my post :)

    cheers :)

  31. "If you think happiness is a rare bird, you won't see much of it". My goodness, Marty, I'd been looking at the sky for even a single common one, because it thrills me to see one hovering above. I want to disprove your aphorism but not one is in sight. Anyway, I lost. You're right. I'm happy even if I don't see you. LOL!

  32. "What would beauty be if the whole world were blind?"

    Our eyes often deceive us.

    "Between greatness and cheesecake, I'll take cheesecake."

    Life's simple pleasures are what make this life wonderful. I'll take dark chocolate.

  33. Marty, as usual, all of these are so wonderful—and honestly, each spoke to me in its own way. Of course, as usual, I found a compelling message in a few, on which I’d like to comment.

    “I used to see the flaw in every diamond. Now stones astound me with their perfection”: I think we all need a reminder to stop looking for flaws and enjoy the beauty—no matter what it is: a person, a sunset, our parents, etc. Imperfections are unique.

    How this one spoke to me: “I'd rather lose with love than win without it.” I’ve lost many friends in my life: to suicide, to AIDS, to overdoses, to hard living. I miss them all very much but it was worth the pain of losing them to have them each be part of my life.

    This may be my favorite: “What would beauty be if the whole world were blind?” Then we would truly judge people on the strength of their character—and how amazing would that be?
    Wonderful, Marty—thank you (again) for sharing all your special thoughts with all of us lucky people.

    Take care, my friend.


  34. I'd also rather lose with love... Thanks for sharing your thoughtfulness Marty :-)

  35. All my life I have been looking into things and...yes, most things we think are things are not really there. They are mere thoughts we have given reality because of the society or culture in which we are raised. It is these generally agreed upon non-realities that insure conflict, suffering, and the continuance of the world as it is. This one particularly struck me, but this is a good collection and up to your high standards, Marty.
    My best.

  36. I especially liked the line: when you look into things, you see things that aren't really there!
    That's such an interesting thought!! Thanks for dropping by my blog - and leaving a comment! I'm glad I found yours!

  37. This stood out for me "What would beauty be if the whole world were blind?"

    And thanks a Million for leaving a comment on my blogs too :)

  38. "between great and cheesecake i'll take cheesecake" is the sole reason i chose to follow you. okay, that and your superb, witty writing :)

  39. How beautifully you let the profundity cascade out of this one;
    "I used to see the flaw in every diamond, now stones astound me with there perfection"
    M truly enthralled.....thanx!

  40. Marty: You always inspire me with such an amazing writing.
    Thank you for sharing with all of us!

  41. "Between greatness and cheesecake I'll take cheesecake."

    Another great batch, Marty! I'm going to chew on this one a while:

    "The fenced-in dog barks at the one running free."

  42. Hi NP, I hope you are enjoying this beautiful summer! Your aphorism are great as usual, and my favorite one this time is "I'd rather lose with love than win without it" :)! Keep up the good work!


    The Celebrate blogger of honorable mention in short stories,

    plus 4 friendship awards for you.

    Trisha voted for you.
    have fun!

  44. "My kind of faith likes mountains just where they are." That hits the spot with me (smile). A great collection to mull over, and well worth the visit!

  45. 'What would beauty be if the whole world were blind?'

    Beauty would be a bad leader if the whole world were blind...

    Thank you Marty :)

  46. Love for the win! \o/

    Lose with love than win without it, yes. I definitely agree with this one. Very profound. Kinda kills ye old "better to have loved" adage.

  47. "What would beauty be if the whole world were blind?"

    "Be a wanderer and a stranger to yourself."

    You rock, dude.

  48. Briiliant, deep, and moving as always.

  49. Art is a picture of the spirit.***** I like this one!!
    How do you make 50 comments every day???????

  50. Absolutely brilliant--as always doll ; )

  51. Suppose Hercules had thought about his labors first-great one this.

  52. Pure Jewels and everything profound. :) I loved each one of those lines. Oceans of wisdom hidden in a few words.

  53. Great work again. I would pick three as my favorite this time:

    1. I'd rather lose with love than win without it.

    Love truly is the greatest of all human experiences and it transcends the boundaries of mind that lives within the framework of winning and losing.

    2. The fenced-in dog barks at the one running free.
    How I wish it were not true Marty. You hit the nail on its head with this. Why they too don't seek freedom rather than barking on the ones running free. Let us pray for freedom for all.

    3. I used to see the flaw in every diamond. Now stones astound me with their perfection.

    This clearly describes the journey of your life, the one that has been a wonderful experience of growth. I think I love you for this and it is an honor to visit your blog and share in the joy of your wisdom. Wish you the very best in life.

  54. Beautifully written, all of them are really nice

    Be a wanderer and a stranger to yourself..... the only way we can know over selves....

    I'd rather lose with love than win without it....
    Life is fueled by love, how can we win with out it.

  55. Hi NP,
    "What would beauty be if the whole world were blind?" ...nice one!! =)

  56. Dear Profound,

    As usual all Your thoughts are nice...

    This time..

    "Be a wanderer and a stranger to yourself.."

    I liked it the most..:-)

    Thoughtful Delights :-)

  57. I really liked "If you think happiness is a rare bird you won't see much of it."

    Often people focus on such a small goal that is hard to reach, and are almost never satisfied.

  58. I agree with Lana, that forth one is great :) Well they are all great but that one in particular :D

  59. I come to your blog once or twice before and always impressed with so many comments you received but I think this is my first ever comment hehehe
    I agree,I like "If you think happiness is a rare bird you won't see much of it."

  60. "What would beauty be if the whole world were blind?"
    Beauty would be in the wind, the scents, the sounds and textures.

  61. So beautiful... as always!!
    Thnx for your visit and comment left.
    Wish you a very nice day!

  62. "Art is a picture of the spirit."...I hope so.

    "Between greatness and cheesecake I'll take cheesecake."...I don't think I'd trust anyone who would choose "greatness."

    "Be a wanderer and a stranger to yourself."...Done.

    "The fenced-in dog barks at the one running free."...Lucy agrees!

    Good stuff, as usual...thanks!

  63. Hahaha...I loved this humble but sensible quote:

    "Between greatness and cheesecake I'll take cheesecake."

    When it comes down to eating some gorgeous cake or assuming a pompous title, I know which one I would choose - especially when if it satisfies my stomach.

    Fantastic wisdom again, NP!

  64. You take words and bring them to life! You are such a great addition to the blogging world!!

  65. All philosophies can be condensed into short, perfectly formed home-truths...some are here.

  66. Lovely. I see the perfection in stones too. Oh, and I'll take the cheesecake, please!

  67. I am ALWAYS inspired here. I love the "Be a wanderer.." one.

  68. Hey Marty, I haven't been here in a while and didn't realize what I was missing until I read your words of wisdom - GREAT STUFF!!! I especially like the last one about the diamond.

  69. A wonderful set as usual. However... I don't eat cheese so I'll be left with the greatness :-)

  70. my favourite is the one about losing with love rather than winning without it! thanks for stopping by at my blog! yours is very inspiring!

  71. Wow. So true. Agree with all. Especially like about barking dogs. Although, about beauty - I think we'd still know it's there, because its not just something we see, but it can be something we feel too. :-)

  72. NP, these are all wonderful, as always. My favorite I think this time is the last one. I always enjoy my visits here. Thank you :)

  73. I too love mountains just where they are and do prefer cheesecake to greatness. Bravo on a great batch.

  74. All of them are wonderful especially the birds of happiness and being a wanderer! Keep it up.

  75. Hi NP, This is my favorite grouping, one bingo hit after another. If I had to pick favorites, guess I'll go with "Art is a picture of the spirit."

    Actually, I find "What would beauty be if the whole world were blind?" disturbing. I don't like to think of losing the sense of sight even for a second.

  76. Marty, I am awe of your cleverness and wisdom! In fact, I am jealous!!

  77. Fabulous words!!Reading your aphorisms always perks up the writer in me.Every line is inspiring in its own sense.

    Thank you so much for sharing.Looking forward to more!!Have a great day!

  78. I'm back, and you're the first person whos blog I'm interested in reading!

  79. Ah, I know what these aphorisms are about, in their form, function and miscellany: titillations for the soul...for those who have some spirit at least.

  80. Yes, happiness is within reach.
    All can have happiness.

  81. Beautiful post and you have a wonderful blog.

    Take care.

  82. How you see beauty in it's full simplicity makes me smile.

  83. Spout enough clever remarks and you too can bore the bloody tits off a bloody elephant – you just have to know how to persevere! However, having said that, there’re some nice aphorisms here though...

  84. "I used to see the flaw in every diamond. Now stones astound me with their perfection." Just beautiful...
    Happy holidays,

  85. Though I loved the entire poem but my favorite line in your poem is ''I'd rather lose with love than win without it''.

  86. "Between greatness and cheesecake I'll take cheesecake."

    I think I have a new best friend.

    You ARE writing a book of these, right? If you aren't, write me and I'll talk some sense into you.
